You Deserve Love Without Requisite! — Tom Earl

You Deserve Love Without Requisite!

You are worthy of love without requisite!  We don’t have to prove ourselves or win people over to be loved.  We are worthy just as we are.

My journey to this truth started with Brene Brown and all her awesomeness.  I believed I had to prove myself before I deserved love.  Or that first, I had to accomplish _________ or succeed at _________ .  I notice that when I’m feeling anxious or insecure, this belief is right there under the surface of it all.

The truth is, we are all worthy of love just as we are!  Do you ever find yourself running through this same line of questioning?  Have you ever felt you had to prove yourself first?  

Here are 3 practices that have really helped me:

  1. Positive self-talk in-front of the mirror!
  2. I am statements.
  3. Daily Gratitudes.

Do you ever find yourself running through this same line of questioning?  Have you ever felt you had to prove yourself first?  Have you ever felt you had to first do _______ and then you’d be worthy?

This week's 'Year of Expression' explores these questions and the solutions I use.  If you’d like to take a deeper dive, listen to this week’s podcast as well.  

You can also listen to it on iTunes.
