
Courage Talks Part 1

I’ve been reflecting upon courage lately. The latin origin of the word – cor – means heart.  Rather than being verbose and ego driven, to me, courage begins and ends with the heart. 

2018 was my year of courage. It allowed me 12 months to reflect upon my own definition of courage and to listen to other people’s definitions as well. It was a wonderful journey of seeing the beautiful differences and synchronicity parallels in people’s stories, experiences, and definitions of courage. 

As you may know, I am on paternity leave spending precious time with Jayanma. In the interim, I’ve prepared for you some of my favorite episode replays from the over past 205 episodes I’ve shared (wow – 200 just snuck in on me). 

This week’s episode is a replay from my courage talks series from 2018. During a dinner party, or while people were over at my house, I’d invite them to step into my studio, where I would walk them through the same set of questions around courage. 

During this two part episode, you get to hear their responses. Ranging from diverse backgrounds, professions, and perspectives, the participants of this episode dive deep into who their courage role models are, what courage looks like, and how you can become more courageous. 

I hope you enjoy part 1 of Courage Talks! 

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My First 7-Figure Year With Crysta Tyus

In this week's episode, there were multiple goosebump moments of pure awesomeness. I talked with Crysta Tyus who is an online marketing consultant who helps service-based businesses get clients from social media, master sales without being salesy and build multiple 6-figure businesses. 

Crysta shared her incredible story of experiencing homelessness and living out of her office building with her 2 kids,  and then doing a complete 180-degree turn and closing on the million-dollar home that she's moving into in 2 days. Then, after our minds were blown from that amazing journey, she then gave us the goods for free and told us exactly how she did it!

For Crysta it all started with envisioning the type of person she wanted to become, being intentional about self-care and surrounding herself with successful people who sounded like her and vibed with her. She developed a strategy for business growth and outlined tactical ways to niche down and become an online celebrity. In our talk, we discuss what Black History Month and representation mean to her, and Crysta shares what adventure looks like in her life in 2020.

If you are interested in making this year your most abundantly successful year ever, you won't want to miss hearing how Crysta is manifesting her first 7-figure year ever. 

You can follow crysta on instagram or watch her on youtube.

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Superstition, Rituals and Reflection

In this week's episode, we begin the process of closing out this decade with grace. We do that by talking about how you can release blame, how you can regain control of your life through taking personal responsibility, and how you can release some of the disempowering superstitions that are holding you back - the superstitious thoughts may not be what you think!

Join me in this solo episode where I share some awesome stories that have led to my biggest breakthroughs this year. 

I'd love to hear what superstitious beliefs you become present to as you listen to this episode. I love hearing from you via social media or email at

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Special Birthday Episode!

What?! It’s my Birthday! Each year, as a way to intentionally reflect, I share a special birthday edition of T.H.E. Celebration. This year has seen so many blessings come my way, and I am so grateful for them. Even those challenging days, when I lay awake at night worrying what my next move should be, brought opportunities for growth. Ultimately, 31 has been a great ride.

To jump into a 32nd year that is grounded in gratitude, I’ll be going through my birthday ritual with you, which is to share one self-love affirmation for each year that I’ve been alive. That means that today, there are 32 of them!

As I reflected upon this past year I realized that books and reading have been such a source of inspiration and grounding for me. One of the best ways to honor that aspect of my life is to connect it to my birthday celebration.

Which is why I’ll also be sharing 7 quotes from 7 different books that have shaped, guided, and impacted me this past year.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of the love, support, and affirmation you share with me. I am so grateful to be in community with you.  

You’re the best. I hope you enjoy today’s birthday edition episode.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.