
Minimalistic and Strategic Designs With Michanae Edwards

Websites are often the most neglected tool in our entrepreneur toolbox. 

We know they have the ability to convert leads into customers, build brand awareness, and communicate our authority. 

And yet, creating or updating our website remains on the “I’ll get to this soon” to-do list. 

This week’s episode is your moment to move past hesitation'

Our guest, Michanae Edwards, is the owner and designer behind Michanae’s Designs.

She specifically works with female service providers who are interested in a more minimalist and holistic approach to design. Someone who’s looking for a website and brand to be designed strategically to achieve a certain goal.

She is a creative genius when it comes to designing minimalist and strategic websites. 

In the middle of this episode, you will get to hear the HUGE aha moment that Michanae brought up for me on what I was doing wrong.  It was such a big aha that I immediately hired Michanae right after the interview to solve the brand design problem she uncovered. 

Whether you have a business, a nonprofit, a mission, or a movement - you need to communicate your message to your community. 

This interview with Michanae will put you on the right path to getting that done. 

Stopping putting it off. 

Hit play. 

And let’s do this.

You can follow Michanae on instagram or website

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