
On Being Strong, Smart, & Bold With Niki Kelly

Original Air Date: January 10, 2020

Niki Kelly is the Executive Director of Girls Inc. of Bay County and is someone whom I respect and admire so much. Our talk together was a great opportunity to learn from a professional who has been on every side of the nonprofit world - from direct service, fundraising, leadership to the Executive Director role.  

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the challenges facing nonprofit leaders and nonprofits and we discuss what it takes to run a successful business that is inclusive, value-driven, responsive but also business-oriented.  

Niki shares key insights about issues that our community is facing and the evolving world of non-profit work as well as the importance of advocacy and looking at the work differently to improve program delivery. 

Niki’s education includes a Bachelor's degree in Criminology with a minor in Psychology and a Masters in Management both from the University of South Florida. She spent 12 years working in community mental health and addiction services followed by more than 10 years in refugee and immigrant services.  

Niki Kelly relocated to Panama City Beach in the spring of 2014 and joined the leadership team at Girls Inc. shortly thereafter.  Since then, she has led Girls Inc. on an aggressive growth plan expanding services to more girls in Bay County and putting the organization on a solid footing that enabled them to persevere following the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael in 2018.  For her response to the hurricane, Niki was awarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce, and the Outstanding Community Leadership Award by the Girls Inc. national organization.

I bet you are going to love this episode even if you aren't in the nonprofit world because you will hear thoughtful advice on how to run your own business in an ethical and inclusive way.

Ethical Propaganda With Curt Maly

Original Air Date: August 22, 2020

Picture this: 35 of the world’s leading digital marketers step into a room together. 

Each person in that room had successfully run a million dollar launch and is a legend in the marketing, social media, and media buying arena. 

A challenge is presented to this motley crew of marketers: 

Over the next 48 hours, each person is tasked with coming up with a new mind-blowing marketing strategy.

At the end of the 48 hours, everyone will vote on the best strategy. 

The time starts now. Go. 

This is a true story.  

Today’s guest, Curt Maly, was one of the 35 people in that room. 

And at the end of the weekend, he was the one who walked away with the championship belt. 

The marketing system he developed that weekend has since been honed, tested and perfected, and has become Curt’s legendary BELT Method. 

I hope I’ve set the stage for the epicness that is this interview. 

Yes, Curt dropped some serious high level gems on all things marketing, sales, social media, and getting your message across in a crowded digital space – but we also went deep on the importance of mindset, how to overcome adversity, and how to pick yourself up when your entire world crumbles. 

We didn’t just talk about vague ways to artificially fire yourself up. Nah. Curt got tactical and offered practical ways to elevate yourself to peak performance – and how to actually enjoy the process.

At the heart of our time together, though, was something specific: ethical propaganda.

For all of us out here trying to make a difference in the world, whether it's as an activist, coach, nonprofit, or thought leader: you’ve got to hear Curt go all in on the tenets and tactics of ethical propaganda. 

It will be a game changer for you, your organization, your business, and/or your movement. 

I’m serious. This will change your entire outlook, strategy, and therefore your results as well. 

Hit play on this one and then send me your favorite part. 

If you’d like to learn more about Curt and his Belt method program, head to

The Tragedy & Triumphs of Transformations With Wally B

Original Air Date: August 28, 2020

On this day, Jan 20th, we celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. King, and today on the podcast, I talk to Wally B., an ordained minister, spoken word artist, and the Founder and Executive Director of the Heard Em Say Youth Arts Collective. 

In this episode, Wally shares his reflections on MLK and the influence Dr. King had on his life.  We dig deep into Wally's journey of transitioning from being a full-time artist to founding his nonprofit back in May 2007 to cultivating Heard Em Say. We also talk about what ultimately led to his decision to transition out of the role of Executive Director and creating a succession plan so that he could continue to grow and serve the community.

You'll hear all about his conversations with God and with his leadership team, and how he redefined what it means to be an artist and a leader. You won't want to miss this episode. 

Heard ‘Em Say was created in May 2007 to identify, cultivate and empower youth in activism and advocacy through artistic education and expression.  The organization serves over 300 young people a year, providing a healthy social outlet for teens to express themselves through spoken word and performance.  His team has competed for years at Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Slam Festival.

Support Heard Em Say and you can follow Wally on Facebook.

Check out past Wally B interviews here and here.

The Art & Science of Storytelling

You know that feeling at the end of a Netflix episode where you MUST find out what happens next? It makes you skip the end credits to get straight to the next episode and if there isn’t one… 

….you immediately google release dates of the next season because you just. can’t. wait. 

Why does that happen? 

The answer might surprise you…

There’s actually a neurobiological reaction that takes place within us called the ‘cliffhanger effect.”

So what does this mean for our work?

There’s an art to telling a great story. And at the same time, there is a science to what happens within our nervous system when we experience a great story. 

So every great storyteller must master both the art and science of storytelling. 

Whether you’re planning a presentation at work, raising money for your nonprofit, creating a movement for an important cause, or trying to connect with your customers… all comes down to good storytelling. 

In this week’s episode, I share with you 3 ways you can improve your storytelling skills. 

And how the 3 neurobiological reactions these storytelling tactics will create within your audience members. 

Tune in to learn the biggest secrets of good storytelling you don’t know yet...

Let’s do it. 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Marketing: Ethics, Biggest Mistakes, and Lessons Learned

Can marketing be ethical? 

What are the biggest mistakes I can make in my marketing? 

These are just two of the big questions I cover in this week’s Q&A episode. 

Q&A really allows us to leave the world of generality and get specific. Chances are if it’s a question you have, others are asking it too. 

We go to some deep and uncharted waters on this one.

If you are a thought leader, are in the nonprofit world, are an entrepreneur, side hustler, a leader or you want to learn how to communicate your ideas more effectively - this one is for you. 

Each of the questions we cover will build a strong foundation for you to move the dial on your passion, your business, what matters most to you, and your thought leadership. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play. :)

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Honor Your Feelings With Dinah

Loneliness is at an epidemic level in this country right now. 

This isn’t hyperbole. Multiple studies have confirmed that Americans feel more isolated than ever. 

And this was BEFORE our lives and the way we interact with each other was uprooted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Even before the masks, sheltering in place, and virtual birthday celebrations became the norm…

...we as a society were struggling to connect with each other. 

Given this reality, it makes sense that my most popular episodes in 2019 & 2020 were those that were centered on mental health. 

This week’s episode centers on feelings. 

Honoring our feelings. 

Expressing our feelings. 

Regulating our feelings. 

Processing our feelings. 

Our guest, Dinah, has worked for over 13 years in the fields of health, social work, counseling, and education, and is the founder of a nonprofit organization targeting the issue of sex trafficking.

She has extensive training and experience in the field of restorative practices, and has worked to help schools adopt a trauma-informed approach at the student, staff and organizational level.  

She currently works for a university in Los Angeles, where she creates trauma-informed curriculum and trains service providers in Los Angeles County to provide trauma-informed care to the clients/students they serve.

I’ve played back so many moments from this week’s interview in my head, over and over again.

I also had to note down a lot of the wisdom that Dinah shared with me. 

For example, she emphasized that our behavior is communication.

This blew my mind.  

The follow-up questions and conversations that came out of that took my understanding of mental health to a whole new level. 

I’m telling you, this episode is so important. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. 

To learn more about Dinah, head to her Instagram @dinahmsw

or website

Dinah B Podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Minimalistic and Strategic Designs With Michanae Edwards

Websites are often the most neglected tool in our entrepreneur toolbox. 

We know they have the ability to convert leads into customers, build brand awareness, and communicate our authority. 

And yet, creating or updating our website remains on the “I’ll get to this soon” to-do list. 

This week’s episode is your moment to move past hesitation'

Our guest, Michanae Edwards, is the owner and designer behind Michanae’s Designs.

She specifically works with female service providers who are interested in a more minimalist and holistic approach to design. Someone who’s looking for a website and brand to be designed strategically to achieve a certain goal.

She is a creative genius when it comes to designing minimalist and strategic websites. 

In the middle of this episode, you will get to hear the HUGE aha moment that Michanae brought up for me on what I was doing wrong.  It was such a big aha that I immediately hired Michanae right after the interview to solve the brand design problem she uncovered. 

Whether you have a business, a nonprofit, a mission, or a movement - you need to communicate your message to your community. 

This interview with Michanae will put you on the right path to getting that done. 

Stopping putting it off. 

Hit play. 

And let’s do this.

You can follow Michanae on instagram or website

Michanae podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Ethical Propaganda With Curt Maly

Picture this: 35 of the world’s leading digital marketers step into a room together. 

Each person in that room had successfully run a million dollar launch, and is a legend in the marketing, social media, and media buying arena.

A challenge is presented to this motley crew of marketers: Over the next 48 hours, each person is tasked with coming up with a new mind-blowing marketing strategy.

At the end of the 48 hours, everyone will vote on the best strategy. 

The time starts now. Go. 

This is a true story.  

Today’s guest, Curt Maly, was one of the 35 people in that room. 

And at the end of the weekend, he was the one who walked away with the championship belt. 

The marketing system he developed that weekend has since been honed, tested and perfected, and has become Curt’s legendary BELT Method. 

I hope I’ve set the stage for the epicness that is this interview. 

Yes, Curt dropped some serious high level gems on all things marketing, sales, social media, and getting your message across in a crowded digital space – but we also went deep on the importance of mindset, how to overcome adversity, and how to pick yourself up when your entire world crumbles. 

We didn’t just talk about vague ways to artificially fire yourself up. Nah. Curt got tactical and offered practical ways to elevate yourself to peak performance – and how to actually enjoy the process.

At the heart of our time together, though, was something specific: ethical propaganda.

For all of us out here trying to make a difference in the world, whether it's as an activist, coach, nonprofit, or thought leader: you’ve got to hear Curt go all in on the tenets and tactics of ethical propaganda. 

It will be a game changer for you, your organization, your business, and/or your movement. 

I’m serious. This will change your entire outlook, strategy, and therefore your results as well. 

Hit play on this one and then send me your favorite part. 

If you’d like to learn more about Curt and his Belt method program, head to

Curt Maly podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

The Tragedy & Triumphs of Transformations with Wally B

On this day, Jan 20th, we celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. King and today on the podcast, I talk to Wally B., an ordained minister, spoken word artist, and the Founder and Executive Director of the Heard Em Say Youth Arts Collective. 

In this episode, Wally shares his reflections on MLK and the influence Dr. King had on his life.  We dig deep into Wally's journey of transitioning from being a full-time artist, to founding his nonprofit back in May 2007 to cultivating Heard Em Say. We also talk about what ultimately led to his decision to transition out of the role of Executive Director and creating a succession plan so that he could continue to grow and serve the community.

You'll hear all about his conversations with God and with his leadership team, and how he redefined what it means to be an artist and a leader. You won't want to miss this episode. 

Heard ‘Em Say was created in May 2007 to identify, cultivate and empower youth in activism and advocacy through artistic education and expression.  The organization serves over 300 young people a year, providing a healthy social outlet for teens to express themselves through spoken word and performance.  His team has competed for years at Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Slam Festival.

Check out the show notes at  

You can support by visiting their website or Facebook.  

You can listen to past episodes here and here.

Wally B podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

On Being Strong, Smart, & Bold With Niki Kelly

Niki Kelly is the Executive Director of Girls Inc. of Bay County and is someone whom I respect and admire so much. Our talk together was a great opportunity to learn from a professional who has been on every side of the nonprofit world - from direct service, fundraising, leadership to the Executive Director role.  

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the challenges facing nonprofit leaders and nonprofits and we discuss what it takes to run a successful business that is inclusive, value-driven, responsive but also business-oriented.  

Niki shares key insights about issues that our community is facing and the evolving world of non-profit work as well as the importance of advocacy and looking at the work differently to improve program delivery. Niki’s education includes a Bachelor's degree in Criminology with a minor in Psychology and a Masters in Management both from the University of South Florida. She spent 12 years working in community mental health and addiction services followed by more than 10 years in refugee and immigrant services.  

Niki Kelly relocated to Panama City Beach in the spring of 2014 and joined the leadership team at Girls Inc. shortly thereafter.  Since then, she has led Girls Inc. on an aggressive growth plan expanding services to more girls in Bay County and putting the organization on a solid footing that enabled them to persevere following the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael in 2018.  For her response to the hurricane, Niki was awarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce, and the Outstanding Community Leadership award by the Girls Inc. national organization.

I bet you are going to love this episode even if you aren't in the nonprofit world because you will hear thoughtful advice on how to run your own business in an ethical and inclusive way. 

You can learn more about girls Inc. of Bay County by following them on Facebook or visiting their website.

Nikikelly podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.