
Marketing: Ethics, Biggest Mistakes, and Lessons Learned

Can marketing be ethical? 

What are the biggest mistakes I can make in my marketing? 

These are just two of the big questions I cover in this week’s Q&A episode. 

Q&A really allows us to leave the world of generality and get specific. Chances are if it’s a question you have, others are asking it too. 

We go to some deep and uncharted waters on this one.

If you are a thought leader, are in the nonprofit world, are an entrepreneur, side hustler, a leader or you want to learn how to communicate your ideas more effectively - this one is for you. 

Each of the questions we cover will build a strong foundation for you to move the dial on your passion, your business, what matters most to you, and your thought leadership. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play. :)

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7 Negotiation Strategies (That Build Relationships & Get You Your Yes)

Whenever I play the “what superpower would you pick” game - my answer is always: to speak every language in existence.

If I could choose a superpower it would be to speak every language in existence.

Imagine being able to effectively communicate with every single person on the planet.

This usually sets me up nicely for the joke, “well Tom, you can barely effectively communicate in English, why don’t you start there.”

Cue the laughter. 

Whether you are a marketer, activist, creative, educator or you’re just living your daily life - the ability to communicate with influence has a huge impact on our lives.

Negation is a particular form of communication that carries a lot of stress, and sometimes even baggage.

Usually you’re negotiating in stressful situations, and for many people it may even feel that you are in an unbalanced relationship within the negotiation.

While the ability to negotiate is such a crucial skill, most of us are never given any formal training in negotiation.

At the heart of negotiation is empathy, active listening and relationship building.

This is certainly contrary to the stereotype of what we think of when we think of negotiations.

Another misconception is that the tools of negotiation aren’t particularly complex or tricky.

Like all things they do require practice to hone your skill but the concepts can be grasped fairly quickly.

On this week's episode, we are going to explore 7 core negotiation strategies. 

This episode originally aired a few years ago. 

And so, I can share that I’ve received many emails from folks on how this episode really had a huge impact on their lives.

We’re going to explore ways to use negation beyond business as well as within your personal life and relationships.

I’d love to know what your biggest takeaway is! 


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Minimalistic and Strategic Designs With Michanae Edwards

Websites are often the most neglected tool in our entrepreneur toolbox. 

We know they have the ability to convert leads into customers, build brand awareness, and communicate our authority. 

And yet, creating or updating our website remains on the “I’ll get to this soon” to-do list. 

This week’s episode is your moment to move past hesitation'

Our guest, Michanae Edwards, is the owner and designer behind Michanae’s Designs.

She specifically works with female service providers who are interested in a more minimalist and holistic approach to design. Someone who’s looking for a website and brand to be designed strategically to achieve a certain goal.

She is a creative genius when it comes to designing minimalist and strategic websites. 

In the middle of this episode, you will get to hear the HUGE aha moment that Michanae brought up for me on what I was doing wrong.  It was such a big aha that I immediately hired Michanae right after the interview to solve the brand design problem she uncovered. 

Whether you have a business, a nonprofit, a mission, or a movement - you need to communicate your message to your community. 

This interview with Michanae will put you on the right path to getting that done. 

Stopping putting it off. 

Hit play. 

And let’s do this.

You can follow Michanae on instagram or website

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The Adventure Begins

Most of you know that 2020 is my “Year of Adventure” and in honor of my upcoming adventure, I’d like to give you some tools to allow you to have this year be your most wonderful year yet. I invite you to cast aside any preconceptions you might have about what an adventure is or has to look like.

I’ve brought together 3 amazing people from different industries and took them through a 7-day workshop with experiential hands-on activities and exercises and from those hours I put together an online course to share with you called “Manifesting Your Adventure.”

The next 7 episodes will walk you through a step-by-step process to envision, plan, bring the light and sustain the adventure you are ready for.

In the first episode, we set the foundation for how to envision your next adventure, whether it’s an adventure in your personal life, your professional life or in your financial life. We start with letting go of any limiting beliefs or fears that might be holding us back, and allowing us to suspend our disbelief so that we can really jump in and allow that beauty within us to speak and our subconscious to come through and communicate what that next adventure is that we are ready for.

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