
Drag THINGING!, Belonging, and Honoring Your Anger With CYRO

Original Air Date: November 9, 2020

Honor your anger. Honor your pain.

CYRO’s words resonated deeply with me – like a bell used to awaken your spirit.

This isn’t just an interview.

It’s an awakening. It’s a residence. It’s a healing.

I am so grateful that CYRO took the time to sit down and share their passionate and powerful wisdom with all of us.

Leah Kirby, also known as CYRO, creates theatre that incites change and incorporates non-western techniques in order to explore social, economic, and political issues through a non-traditional format. 

They are an activist, theatre maker, actor, writer, and drag thing named CYRO. 

CYRO is a Queer, Non-Binary, DRAG THING! 

They bring strength, beauty, and awareness to the stage with acts like 'Run Rabbit', exploring the struggles of gang induction and violence within black communities, and 'I am not your', a piece that delves into black masculinity within a non-binary body and shows the beauty it can exude by stripping back the facade. 

They use spoken word, movement, composition, Lip syncing, and storytelling within their work to incite change through artistic calls to action.

I am telling you: this interview is everything you have been looking for in a THE Celebration episode.

Do yourself a favor. 

Hit play.

You can learn more about Cyro through their website, or you can follow them on Instagram.

“I Was Not What They Expected” With Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

Sometimes you just don’t fit in. What should you do then?

Explore this intriguing topic with us as we chat with our very special guest, Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, author of several books including Fish Out of Water.As someone who never fit into a particular group, she became a force for awareness and change.

For years, she’s been an amazing advocate for justice, equity, and inclusion, for hundreds of organizations across the country and continues to teach companies how to create a healthy corporate culture for all employees. 

When asked to describe herself in 6 words, she replied: ”I was not what they expected.”

Come by to hear our discussion where we go deeper on what it’s like to feel like someone who doesn’t belong and how we can play our part to help society become more inclusive.

🎧 Ready to listen?

Head over to:

Check out Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins’ books and how you can work with her here.

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Creativity Is: Invigorating, Fierce, & Becoming With Dania Ayah Alkhouli & Abstract C.I.M.

What’s more empowering than creativity?

This episode explores how when we tap into our creative side, we become invigorated.

We become fierce. 

And all of us have the ability to tap into our unique creativity.

Our guests, Dania Ayah Alkhouli and Abstract C.I.M. really dive into these topics, sharing what drives them to create meaningful art. 

I am especially inspired by how Dania and Abstract are able to use their art to create change, build a movement, and raise awareness. 

In 6 words or less, Dania describes herself as: “Syrian. Perfectionist. Fierce. Dedicated. Thoughtful. Loyal.”

In 6 words or less, Abstract describes herself as: “Passionate. Creative. Empathetic. Love. balancer. Becoming.”

Ready to listen? Let’s go!

Learn more about Dania here.

Learn more about Abstract here.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Drag THINGING!, Belonging, and Honoring Your Anger With CYRO

Honor your anger. Honor your pain.

CYRO’s words resonated deeply with me – like a bell used to awaken your spirit.

This isn’t just an interview.

It’s an awakening. It’s a residence. It’s a healing.

I am so grateful that CYRO took the time to sit down and share their passionate and powerful wisdom with all of us.

Leah Kirby, also known as CYRO, creates theatre that incites change and incorporates non-western techniques in order to explore social, economic, and political issues through a non-traditional format. 

They are an activist, theatre maker, actor, writer and drag thing named CYRO. 

CYRO is a Queer, Non-Binary, DRAG THING! 

They bring strength, beauty and awareness to the stage with acts like 'Run Rabbit', exploring the struggles of gang induction and violence within black communities, and 'I am not your', a piece that delves into black masculinity within a non-binary body and shows the beauty it can exude by stripping back the facade. 

They use spoken word, movement, composition, Lip syncing and storytelling within their work to incite change through artistic calls to action.

I am telling you: this interview is everything you have been looking for in a THE Celebration episode.

Do yourself a favor. 

Hit play.

You can learn more about Cyro through their website, or you can follow them on Instagram @cyrodragthing

Cyro podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Minimalistic and Strategic Designs With Michanae Edwards

Websites are often the most neglected tool in our entrepreneur toolbox. 

We know they have the ability to convert leads into customers, build brand awareness, and communicate our authority. 

And yet, creating or updating our website remains on the “I’ll get to this soon” to-do list. 

This week’s episode is your moment to move past hesitation'

Our guest, Michanae Edwards, is the owner and designer behind Michanae’s Designs.

She specifically works with female service providers who are interested in a more minimalist and holistic approach to design. Someone who’s looking for a website and brand to be designed strategically to achieve a certain goal.

She is a creative genius when it comes to designing minimalist and strategic websites. 

In the middle of this episode, you will get to hear the HUGE aha moment that Michanae brought up for me on what I was doing wrong.  It was such a big aha that I immediately hired Michanae right after the interview to solve the brand design problem she uncovered. 

Whether you have a business, a nonprofit, a mission, or a movement - you need to communicate your message to your community. 

This interview with Michanae will put you on the right path to getting that done. 

Stopping putting it off. 

Hit play. 

And let’s do this.

You can follow Michanae on instagram or website

Michanae podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Nightmares Can Lead to Dreams

Slam's life quote is "Sometimes a Nightmare Can Lead to a Dream".
 In this week’s interview Slam shares how the quote, as well as writing and poetry, have motivated and helped her life. It has also led Slam to her dream; working with kids in the foster care system and helping people all over.

Slam Anderson

Florida native Slam Anderson was born the fourth of five children raised by a single mother. She spent her important adolescent years in Foster Care, and knew from an early age she’d have to forge her own path. And regardless of these early challenges, she still gained admission to the University of South Florida, where she graduated with a Bachelors in Creative Writing and is now working on her Master in Social Work.

Slam is a strong advocate of ‘Youth’ social welfare, and works in the community to promote literacy, self-empowerment, awareness, domestic violence, social justice and most importantly LOVE for ourselves and for others.

Check out this powerful and moving episode.

Follow Slam on Facebook

Slam Anderson will be our feature on this week's edition of the Live and Online: Expression Session.  Register below! 

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.