
Marketing: Ethics, Biggest Mistakes, and Lessons Learned

Can marketing be ethical? 

What are the biggest mistakes I can make in my marketing? 

These are just two of the big questions I cover in this week’s Q&A episode. 

Q&A really allows us to leave the world of generality and get specific. Chances are if it’s a question you have, others are asking it too. 

We go to some deep and uncharted waters on this one.

If you are a thought leader, are in the nonprofit world, are an entrepreneur, side hustler, a leader or you want to learn how to communicate your ideas more effectively - this one is for you. 

Each of the questions we cover will build a strong foundation for you to move the dial on your passion, your business, what matters most to you, and your thought leadership. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play. :)

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Owning Your Inner-Power Tom Earl Interviewed By Natasha Bazilevych

I LOVED this conversation on marketing, running ads, the creative process, and so many other topics.

Natasha Bazilevych invited me to be a guest on her podcast and it ended up being one of my favorite interviews.

On this episode, you get to see me switch hats and become the interviewee.

Natasha really brought out some honest answers from me and we explored things I’ve never shared before.

She even got me to perform one of my spoken word poems.

I had a blast!

We also covered a lot of ground that any creative, entrepreneur, or leader will get a ton of value from.

Thank you Natasha for such an awesome experience.

You can listen to Natasha’s podcast here and learn more about her work here

Do yourself this favor.

Hit play.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

So Many Awesome Things With Catherine B. Roy

Catherine B. Roy is the CEO and Founder of LHM Academia and LHM Media. She is an internationally recognized Personal Growth and Business Coach, Bestselling Author, as well as a Human Potential Thought Leader.

Today she shares her inspiring journey with us. Catherine has faced a number of struggles with her health and lived through a civil war in the former Yugoslavia. She used the challenges that she overcame to inspire her bestselling book, “Live from Your Heart and Mind”, which made its debut on the bestseller list. 

In addition to providing us with so much inspiration, she reveals her tips and tricks to growing your business and finding clients on LinkedIn.

You can learn more about Catherine by visiting her Website or Follow her on Instagram.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.