
Big Bold Beyond The Stars Dreams

This week's episode holds a special place in my heart. When I first launched my year of expression in 2016, I didn’t have a clear vision of the path I was going down. For many, many weeks, I would put out a new episode and not really know if anyone had listened to it. 

Then I put out this episode, and a whole bunch of strangers emailed me and shared how much it mattered to them. While I don’t create my episodes just for the affirmations, it was very heartwarming to know that what I was doing was having an impact. 

As I continue to enjoy my paternity leave, here is this week’s replay from 2017. And so that we can really get into the mood, here was the original writeup: 

This year (2017) I am asking, "Where can I find balance? Where can I invite balance?"  I’m bringing balance to the time I spend in creating BIG, BOLD, BEYOND THE STARS DREAMS. 

I’ve noticed a lot of my dreams only go a little bit outside of my comfort zone. Or I dream, but I let my limiting beliefs bonsai my goals and visions.  

This year, I am ready to have rocket ship dreams!  Dreams that take me to my highest potential and more!  I’m spending quality, intentional time in creating big, bold, beyond the star dreams.

Not only are beyond the stars dreams amazing but they also impact our lives in tangible and measurable ways.

Hope you enjoy!

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So Many Awesome Things With Catherine B. Roy

Catherine B. Roy is the CEO and Founder of LHM Academia and LHM Media. She is an internationally recognized Personal Growth and Business Coach, Bestselling Author, as well as a Human Potential Thought Leader.

Today she shares her inspiring journey with us. Catherine has faced a number of struggles with her health and lived through a civil war in the former Yugoslavia. She used the challenges that she overcame to inspire her bestselling book, “Live from Your Heart and Mind”, which made its debut on the bestseller list. 

In addition to providing us with so much inspiration, she reveals her tips and tricks to growing your business and finding clients on LinkedIn.

You can learn more about Catherine by visiting her Website or Follow her on Instagram.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.