
Disability Awareness & Making An Impact With Catarina Rivera

How often have you reflected upon your biases, assumptions and misunderstanding of disabled people?

This week we are joined by DEI consultant and stigma smasher Catarina Rivera.

Caterina is the founder of Blindish Latina, a platform smashing disability stigmas through storytelling, advocacy, and training.

She is also a member of Respect Ability's National Disability Speakers Bureau.

Catarina illuminates this important conversation and provides knowledge and actions we can all take and shares with us about the many twists and turns she has taken on her own journey.

As we celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month and Latin Heritage Month, it’s appropriate to listen as Caterina shares with us ways we can work to be more inclusive 365 days of the year.

Honestly, I learned so much during this interview.

🎧 Ready to listen? Let’s go!

You can watch or listen here:

Follow Catarina on Instagram.

Learn more on her website.


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The Art & Science of Storytelling

You know that feeling at the end of a Netflix episode where you MUST find out what happens next? It makes you skip the end credits to get straight to the next episode and if there isn’t one… 

….you immediately google release dates of the next season because you just. can’t. wait. 

Why does that happen? 

The answer might surprise you…

There’s actually a neurobiological reaction that takes place within us called the ‘cliffhanger effect.”

So what does this mean for our work?

There’s an art to telling a great story. And at the same time, there is a science to what happens within our nervous system when we experience a great story. 

So every great storyteller must master both the art and science of storytelling. 

Whether you’re planning a presentation at work, raising money for your nonprofit, creating a movement for an important cause, or trying to connect with your customers… all comes down to good storytelling. 

In this week’s episode, I share with you 3 ways you can improve your storytelling skills. 

And how the 3 neurobiological reactions these storytelling tactics will create within your audience members. 

Tune in to learn the biggest secrets of good storytelling you don’t know yet...

Let’s do it. 


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Compassion, Curiosity & Deep Meaning With Fiona Harvey and Tasneem Noor

Where are you going deeper in your life?

What’s a journey you are willing to take through all of life’s ups and downs? 

This episode kicks off a new series that sets out to explore these very questions. 

Each month I’ll be sharing with you two people who will give us a peek into what depth looks in their lives. 

And most importantly...what fuels that drive for them.

This week I introduce you to Tasneem Noor and Fiona Harvey. 

Both Tasneem and Fiona are moved by their meaningful and personal missions they are sharing with the world, and now you.

In 6 words or less, Tasneem describes herself as: “Sincere. Curious. Compassionate. Spiritual. Adaptive. Authentic.”

In 6 words or less, Fiona describes herself as: “Compassionate. Empathetic. Driven. Joyful. Humorous. Intentional.”

On this week’s episode,  they each explore how compassion and curiosity are important values to take with you on any journey of depth. 

Are you ready for this deep dive?

Let’s do it. 

 Learn more about Tasneem here.

 Learn more about Fiona here.


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The Psychology of Belonging In Marketing

The need to belong. 

To not just guess the words, 

But to join in the song. 

All along,

It’s what we’re searching for. 

Whether we pour our feelings in openness, 

Or keep them locked inside our secret box of silliness. 

Trombones and violens. 

Percussion of every persuasion. 

Couldn’t save a parade of boring. 

Pouring into a thirsty cup, 

will fill you up

Richer than hoarding gold

Ever could. 

Dragons should soar the sky, 

Not die for shiny metal. 



Searching outside for the missing piece is an unrequited endeavor. 

It will leave you…

And then you’ll be wanting more. 

And more.

Your paper cup has a hole in it 

But what’s a flat tire

When you’re consuming fire. 

Scorched earth 

Isn’t the result of burning passion. 

It’s the consequence of individualistic sadness. 




Sound so bold, 

But quickly become dogmatic 

When all I see is me. 

We need to belong to something. 

Have you taken the time to write down your greatest and most important values? 

Have you traced them like a line and uncovered who buried them within you?

Uncover a great meaning, 

And you’ll have found the key. 


It is one of the deepest, 

And most important, 

Of all the human needs.


I hope you enjoy this week’s episode. :) 

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Staying On The Path An Interview With Warrior Poets Jamie Dawson and Sam(ira) Obeid

For all of us striving to stay on the path - this one is for you. 

This week’s episode is truly special. 

I felt so honored and grateful just for getting the chance to be in the same room as these two warrior poets. 

My guests this week, Jamie Dawson and Sam(ira) Obeid, are two of the most creative and brilliant people I have had the privilege of knowing. 

We wove through many important and timely conversations all while striving to remain open, honest, and vulnerable. 

Accountability and introspection were two themes that tied together the thoughts expressed. 

Jamie and Sam both shared their deep insights on heavy conversations such as:

-How do we process the grief, the trauma, and the roller coaster that these past 12+ months have been? 

-What does true allyship look like? 

-What role do creativity, art, and poetry play in processing? 

-What lies at the intersection of art and activism? 

Jamie and Sam both provided true gifts on this one. 

Please do yourself the favor of listening in. 

For all of us striving to stay on the path - this one is for you. 

You rock. 

Jamie Dawson is a professional writer, performer, and black arts scholar whose talents range from spoken word, theatre, and commissioned works on the topics such as black life, multiculturalism, women’s rights, healing, and connection to each other through Earth.

You can follow Jamie on Instagram here

Sam Sam(ira) Obeid is an Indian. Scholar. Warrior. Poet. Queer. Sam has been placed 5th at the Women of the World Poetry Slam in 2015. Sam has been featured on Button Poetry and an international anthology, The World That Belongs to Us: An Anthology of Queer Poetry from South Asia by Harper Collins India. 

You can follow Sam on Instagram here


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Expand Your Impact With Facebook Ads: Tom Earl Interviewed By Dijana Llugolli.

I am a huge fan of people who have important work connecting with their community. 

With all of its controversies and confusion aside, I believe that FB / IG ads are the most effective way to do that. 

Contrary to popular belief, you can find success with even a modest budget of $1 a day. 

In this week’s episode, I share with you the strategy and systems that are getting entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and activists results. 

This is a replay from when I was a guest on my friend Dijana Llugolli’s podcast. 

You may remember Dijana was a previous guest on this podcast.  

You can check out that replay at 

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the marketing waters, or are ready to do a cannonball - you’ll discover some gems in this episode. 

Do yourself the favor of giving this a listen. 

You rock. 

And be sure to support Dijana and her awesome work here.


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Stories of Healing & Survival With Sumiyah Mshaka, Dania Alkhouli, and Neda.

What conversation should we be having on domestic violence? 

That is the question that begins this week’s episode. 

This week’s episode brings you a panel discussion on domestic violence, stories of Healing & Survival. 

My panelists are Sumiyah Mshaka, Dania Alkhouli, and Neda. 

Each guest brings their unique insights, story, and experience to this important conversation. 

Together, we discussed the misconceptions, myths and misinformation that surround domestic violence. 

We also explored ways to support and be there for someone who is currently experiencing domestic violence or is a survivor. 

I am grateful to Sumiyah, Dania, and Neda for sharing their stories and journeys with us on this week’s episode. 

A theme that arose during the panel discussion was that, even though it may be difficult, is important we have this conversation.

About My Guests: 

Sumiyah Mshaka is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and group fitness instructor who comes from a family with a legacy of social justice work. After graduating from the UCLA MSW program in 2004, Sumiyah began her extensive career in social work specializing in mental health treatment and advocacy for youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sumiyah taught kickboxing and strength training classes at 24 Hour Fitness for 7 years. She recently started her own online fitness business featuring live virtual fitness classes, 722 Sweat Mvmt. You can follow Sumiyah on IG -

Neda is a nurse practitioner in Los Angeles. She does primarily reproductive and prenatal care, and is covid testing all day every day. When she isn’t in the clinic, she’s on the pole doing strong woman things. You can follow Neda on IG -

Dania Ayah Alkhouli is a Syrian writer, blogger, poet, editor, and author. Dania’s work centers on feminism, mental health, sexuality, identity, culture, religion, her war-torn homeland, Syria, and on grief, loss, and death. She has been featured on Buzzfeed and Jubilee Media, and has performed across national venues such as Da Poetry Lounge in Los Angeles, House Slam in Boston, and Busboys & Poets in D.C. You can follow her on IG at @lady_narrator and @acountrycalledsyria.

If you are looking for resources or support on Domestic Violence you can visit

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Living Your Most Pleasurable Life With Kimra Luna

Imagine you have a million dollar business. 

Imagine you have a multi-million dollar business that took you years to build.  

Everyday you get to empower amazing people.

You’re living the dream. 

And loving it. 

Until one day - you’re not. 

Inside you start to feel a calling to serve a new mission. 

That inner-voice grows until it becomes a choir singing it is time to change direction. 

Would you have the courage to walk away from this super successful company that has brought you notoriety, wealth, and an enormous audience? 

This was the crossroads this week’s guest, Kimra Luna, found herself about a year ago. 

If you Google ‘Kimra Luna’ you’ll find a number of articles, including Forbes and Business Insider, detailing Kimra’s journey from “Welfare To $1M [Business Owner].”

As someone who has been in the entrepreneur community for a decade, Kimra’s name was one of the first you’d come across when looking for tips to start your business. 

A few months ago, I was on Facebook and saw Kimra post a Google drive folder that gave everyone complete access to her entire course curriculum, modules and resources. 

Previously you would have paid thousands of dollars to access this kind of content from Kimra. 

And now - it was all there - with the message from Kimra that she is leaving the business coaching world and embarking on her new mission a cosmic sensuality coach and pleasure activist.

I immediately messaged Kimra asking if she’d be open to sitting down for an interview to share her story and her journey. 

As you meant imagine - this turned out to be one of my favorite interviews of all time. 

Yes - Kimra shares details on what led to her decision. 

But the majority of this episode goes all in on the vital, important, and necessary mission and business that Kimra has launched. 

We talked about healing from trauma, sex, love, relationships, music, sensuality, self-love and activism.  Topics she covers every week on her podcast and Youtube channel.

Kimra took a deep dive into the core component of her new signature program - 30 Days of Slowing The Eff Down - and you discover your deepest desires, connect with your personal pleasure and shed the shame so you can channel your inner creatrix and live the life you deserve. 

I’m telling you - this episode is a must-listen!

Please do yourself the favor if absorbing the knowledge, compassion and tools Kimra openly shares during this episode. 

Alright.  This was the longest writeup ever - I know. 

Time to stop reading and start listening. 

Hit play.

Here we go.  

You can find her works at or on Instagram at @kimraluna

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Gifts for My Child Episode 3

Featuring: Jasmine Star, Mitch del Monico, Intisar Seraaj, Vivi Devereaux

I am grateful that I get to share with you the third installment of my Gifts for My Child series. As I’ve mentioned, if you haven’t listened to episode 1 already, I highly recommend you start there. 

It was really a beautiful process meeting with those I care about and asking them to offer advice to my yet to be born child. I learned new things about each person I interviewed, and really had important conversations with them. 

As I was editing these episodes, what really stood out to me was the power of offering advice to someone we have yet to meet.

Whether you’re looking for some inspiration, a spark of hope, or a thought-provoking listen, then be sure to join us on this week’s episode. 

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We Are All Creatives

On this week’s episode, we talk about creativity! Each and every single one of us are creatives, and we are continually expressing ourselves in unique and wonderful ways. We discuss the relationship between creativity and vulnerability, and how getting lost in the process of creating is often more important than the product. There are so many different ways to express your creativity aside from traditional “art”, from showing people how you love to setting up your spreadsheets. 

The second half of this episode is a replay from a Live and Online: Expression Session. You will hear the poetry people created during the freewrite session using the prompt “We Are All Creatives”. 

The world needs your gifts! How are you showing up creatively in your life?

For future Live and Online: Expression Sessions, visit

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