
Spotify Playlists, Self-awareness, & your infinite worthiness.

What do Spotify’s end-of-the-year playlist, self-awareness, and infinite worthiness have in common?

You’re going to have to listen to this week’s episode to find out.

And to those who celebrate Christmas…Merry Christmas!

To those who don’t….Merry random Sunday!


You are brilliant and loved.


If you’re ready to boldly share your story then I invite you to join the intentional community that I have just launched.

It is the first time ever that I’m sharing my marketing playbook & the propriety storytelling method that I’ve created.

And if you’re short on cash flow but filled to the brim with ambition then I have good news:

We have scholarships available to anyone who needs it.

So if you’re ready to learn how to run your business like a storyteller fueled by empathy & courage then check out the details here:


Disability Awareness & Making An Impact With Catarina Rivera

How often have you reflected upon your biases, assumptions and misunderstanding of disabled people?

This week we are joined by DEI consultant and stigma smasher Catarina Rivera.

Caterina is the founder of Blindish Latina, a platform smashing disability stigmas through storytelling, advocacy, and training.

She is also a member of Respect Ability's National Disability Speakers Bureau.

Catarina illuminates this important conversation and provides knowledge and actions we can all take and shares with us about the many twists and turns she has taken on her own journey.

As we celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month and Latin Heritage Month, it’s appropriate to listen as Caterina shares with us ways we can work to be more inclusive 365 days of the year.

Honestly, I learned so much during this interview.

🎧 Ready to listen? Let’s go!

You can watch or listen here: www.tomearl.me/cr

Follow Catarina on Instagram.

Learn more on her website.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Black Love & Plugging Into Your Spiritual Power Source With Wally B and C-Main Jennings

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how would you give voice to those words? 

This is the mission of Mouth of the Mural. 

Mouth of the Mural is an ekphrastic (i.e. visual art into words) event that unites visual, literary and performance artists with business owners in an effort to celebrate community, connection, and conversation. 

The initiative is founded by power couple Walter “Wally B.” Jennings and Charmaine "C-Maine" Jennings. 

During our interview, we explored how to cultivate a loving, supportive, and long-lasting relationship. 

There were so many special moments where Wally and C-Maine shared honest and vulnerable moments from their 20+ year marriage. 

Walter “Wally B.” Jennings is an ordained minister, published poet, spoken word artist, MC/Host, instructor and strawberry Fruit Roll-Up enthusiast!  A native of Tampa, FL, his poetical talents has allowed him to conduct over 1000 performances, workshops and mentorship sessions in the national spoken word community during his 20-year career.  

Charmaine "C-Maine" Jennings is a 20+year leader in education.  She is a writer, artist and champion for equity, culture, diversity and inclusion.  She has designed and facilitated professional development and workshops for private organizations and K-12 public schools across county and state lines.

At the core of this episode, we discuss the importance of finding the spiritual power source that will sustain you. 

I hope you will do yourself this favor, and dive into this week’s episode. 


You can learn more about Mouth of the Mural here and here.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Birthday Episode

My birthday is in 3 days, and each year I like to celebrate with a special birthday episode. This year I wanted to share the episode I shared on my 30th birthday.

I know a lot of us right now are going through a few challenges and obstacles and adversity, and my 30th birthday episode was one of the most vulnerable episodes I put out because it really shares the journey I’ve been on. And that is why I’d like to share it with you as a replay this week.

One of my birthday rituals is to celebrate one thing I love about myself, for every year of my life.  Which means, this year I'm sharing 30 self-love affirmations :). 

Each of my previous birthdays reflects where I was during that point in my life.  On my 18th birthday, one group of my friends (high on coke and huffing fumes) pulled knives on another group of my friends and tried to stab them.  On my 20th birthday, I was drinking a liter of whiskey almost everyday.  Or the birthday I had to tell my dad I've been arrested and am in serious trouble. 

My intention is to give closure to my 20's and step forward boldly into my 30's by sharing this part of my story.  Recording this has been one of the most vulnerable and freeing experiences of my life.  I am honored to have you be a part of it. 

When I reviewed the episode I thought I would just delete it because it was such a vulnerable share. But I decided that I would lead with courage and put it out there. So I hope that in some way that if you’re going through something right now that it can be an example that your worst days can be your best days.

Enjoy this week's episode, as I share with you my birthday stories and celebrate 30 self-love affirmations!

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

The Expression Session Origin Story #3YearAnniversary

On this week’s episode, I celebrate the 3 Year Anniversary of the Live and Online: Expression Session.  To mark this milestone, I’m taking us back to the first ever Expression Session episode, featuring Wally B. 

If you’re a regular listener, I’m guessing you’ve heard Wally and his nonprofit Heard Em Say mentioned many times.  This is the interview I did with him back in July 2016. 

Wally B. is an ordained minister, spoken word artist, and the Founder and Executive Director of the Heard Em Say Youth Arts Collective.   “Heard ‘Em Say” was created in May 2007 to identify, cultivate and empower youth in activism and advocacy through artistic education and expression.  His team has competed for years at Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Slam Festival..

Hosting the Live and Online: Expression Session over these past 3 years has been such an amazing and wonderful journey.  I am grateful to the many different artists, creatives, features, and people who have participated and created with me during each month’s Expression Session. 

I hope you’ll be able to join us this Sunday and celebrate our 3 Year Anniversary.   The Live and Online: Expression is this Sunday, July 28th from 12 PM - 2 PM PT. 

To support Heard Em Say and help send their team to Brave New Voices, you can learn more and donate here - http://heardemsay.org/

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Walli B will be our feature on this week's edition of the Live and Online: Expression Session.  Register below! 

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.