
Is A.I. Created Art Alarming or Authentic?

Imagine you’re a digital artist and the work of art that wins first place in your category is created through the use of A.I.

Would that change how you feel?

Would it feel like cheating?

What if you’re a business coach and lose a customer, not to another coach…

…but to an A.I. algorithm that can receive questions and give customized advice better than you.

Would that change how you feel?

Right now someone somewhere is working on a piece of tech or an invention that will make your business absolute.

Is that alarming? Fear inducing?

Or is that just business?

This is not theoretical or just a fun intellectual exercise.

This is reality.

We like to think that it will always be someone else’s business…

Or someone else’s industry…

Or someone else’s skill that will be made absolute by an invention or new technology.

When in reality we are all susceptible to the laws of change.

So how do we address this?

First - talk to your therapist about the emotions that come up -  they are an opening to healing.

Second - let’s talk about how to use the momentum of change to launch you into even greater heights than your current comfort zone.

All that plus some fun stories and the occasional ramble by yours truly.

That is if you dare to take the wild leap into the adventure that is this week’s episode.

And yes this is a brand new never before-released episode.

I hope you enjoy it at least 3% as much as I did recording it. 😂

Then again…to be honest I don’t think anyone listens to my podcast other than my bestest of friends.

And they listen in just so they can lovingly mock my podcast voice anytime we hang out. 😂

Well, there you have it.

This week’s write-up.

Give it a listen.

I double dare you.


This was not written using A.I.  Maybe you can tell. 😂


If you’re really feeling adventurous then I invite you to join the experiment & intentional community that I have just launched.

It is the first time ever that  I’m sharing my marketing playbook & the propriety storytelling & relationship-building ads system that I’ve created.

And if you’re short on cash flow but filled to the brim with ambition then I have good news:

We have “pay-what-you-can” scholarships available to anyone who needs it. 

So if you’re up for learning how to run ads like a storyteller fueled by empathy & courage then check out the details here:

Peace and Blessings, 

Tom Earl

What Makes You Come Alive?

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

Not only is this one of my favorite quotes but it is also the prompt for this week’s writing workshop episode. 

Here’s the backstory: 

I was an art major for my first 2 years in college.  It was amazing, and I met a lot of remarkable people. 

One of those people - Jordan Bierma - DMed me and asked if I “would be interested in participating in a storytelling project with my high school students.”

He shared that, “I work at a very small rural public school that follows an expeditionary learning model...With covid this year we have not been able to leave school and interact with anyone outside our small community of about 600 people.” 

I thought this would be amazing. 

Rather than focusing the entire time on myself, I suggested that instead I could host a writing workshop. 

This week’s episode is the recording of the creativity and honesty that transpired. 

I want to thank Jordan and the brilliant students at Silverton High School for being open to sharing their writing with all of us. 

Look - this is a crazy time for all of us. 

Getting centered on this question, “what makes you come alive,” is of paramount importance. 

I’d love for you to give yourself the gift of going through this workshop. 

You will come out the otherside with some newly discovered personal insights. 

Be sure to email or DM me your writing! 

I’d love to read it!


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Birthday Episode

My birthday is in 3 days, and each year I like to celebrate with a special birthday episode. This year I wanted to share the episode I shared on my 30th birthday.

I know a lot of us right now are going through a few challenges and obstacles and adversity, and my 30th birthday episode was one of the most vulnerable episodes I put out because it really shares the journey I’ve been on. And that is why I’d like to share it with you as a replay this week.

One of my birthday rituals is to celebrate one thing I love about myself, for every year of my life.  Which means, this year I'm sharing 30 self-love affirmations :). 

Each of my previous birthdays reflects where I was during that point in my life.  On my 18th birthday, one group of my friends (high on coke and huffing fumes) pulled knives on another group of my friends and tried to stab them.  On my 20th birthday, I was drinking a liter of whiskey almost everyday.  Or the birthday I had to tell my dad I've been arrested and am in serious trouble. 

My intention is to give closure to my 20's and step forward boldly into my 30's by sharing this part of my story.  Recording this has been one of the most vulnerable and freeing experiences of my life.  I am honored to have you be a part of it. 

When I reviewed the episode I thought I would just delete it because it was such a vulnerable share. But I decided that I would lead with courage and put it out there. So I hope that in some way that if you’re going through something right now that it can be an example that your worst days can be your best days.

Enjoy this week's episode, as I share with you my birthday stories and celebrate 30 self-love affirmations!

Birthday Episode podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.