
Ep. 2: Honoring Our Interconnectedness – Featuring Estuardo David Mazariegos

Welcome to Honoring Our Interconnectedness Series!

Featuring the brilliant and legendary Estuardo David Mazariegos!

Estuardo is also a great friend.

This week brings you the final episode in this 2-part series.

You can learn more about Estuardo on his IG @vexillz


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

I invite you to be a part of our D.C.M. Journaling Community.  By embracing the practice of process-oriented journaling, we translate our inner thoughts onto paper, enabling us to engage in reflection, establish connections, and cultivate a profound sense of belonging within a nourishing community.

Learn more here:

Ep. 1: Honoring Our Interconnectedness – Featuring Estuardo David Mazariegos

Welcome to Honoring Our Interconnectedness Series!

Featuring the brilliant and legendary Estuardo David Mazariegos!

Estuardo is also a great friend.

This week brings you episode 1 in this 2-part series.

You can learn more about Estuardo on his IG @vexillz


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

I invite you to be a part of our D.C.M. Journaling Community.  By embracing the practice of process-oriented journaling, we translate our inner thoughts onto paper, enabling us to engage in reflection, establish connections, and cultivate a profound sense of belonging within a nourishing community.

Learn more here:

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before the New Year

How often do you intentionally reflect upon your day?

Life has a way of rushing by without allowing us time to reflect.  

And yet, it is in that reflection that we are able to gain perspective: to notice patterns, behaviors, and feelings that shape our lives. 

That very perspective is what allows us to become self-aware and intentional in how we live our lives. 

The start of a New Year provides a great collective opportunity to ask ourselves big questions. 

So this week’s episode provides 5 reflection questions you can ask yourself to close this year and start the New Year from a place of empowerment. 

When we stop and pause, we often discover new treasures:

Experiences, people, things, moments that we are grateful for – and, at the same time, ways we can embrace our badass selves a little more boldly and deeply. 

As you go through this week’s episode, I’d love to hear about your discoveries.  

If you’re feeling generous, please share with me some of your notes or the answers you find. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Gift yourself this time. 

Let’s do it. 

Hit play. 

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Birthday Episode

My birthday is in 3 days, and each year I like to celebrate with a special birthday episode. This year I wanted to share the episode I shared on my 30th birthday.

I know a lot of us right now are going through a few challenges and obstacles and adversity, and my 30th birthday episode was one of the most vulnerable episodes I put out because it really shares the journey I’ve been on. And that is why I’d like to share it with you as a replay this week.

One of my birthday rituals is to celebrate one thing I love about myself, for every year of my life.  Which means, this year I'm sharing 30 self-love affirmations :). 

Each of my previous birthdays reflects where I was during that point in my life.  On my 18th birthday, one group of my friends (high on coke and huffing fumes) pulled knives on another group of my friends and tried to stab them.  On my 20th birthday, I was drinking a liter of whiskey almost everyday.  Or the birthday I had to tell my dad I've been arrested and am in serious trouble. 

My intention is to give closure to my 20's and step forward boldly into my 30's by sharing this part of my story.  Recording this has been one of the most vulnerable and freeing experiences of my life.  I am honored to have you be a part of it. 

When I reviewed the episode I thought I would just delete it because it was such a vulnerable share. But I decided that I would lead with courage and put it out there. So I hope that in some way that if you’re going through something right now that it can be an example that your worst days can be your best days.

Enjoy this week's episode, as I share with you my birthday stories and celebrate 30 self-love affirmations!

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.