
Is A.I. Created Art Alarming or Authentic?

Imagine you’re a digital artist and the work of art that wins first place in your category is created through the use of A.I.

Would that change how you feel?

Would it feel like cheating?

What if you’re a business coach and lose a customer, not to another coach…

…but to an A.I. algorithm that can receive questions and give customized advice better than you.

Would that change how you feel?

Right now someone somewhere is working on a piece of tech or an invention that will make your business absolute.

Is that alarming? Fear inducing?

Or is that just business?

This is not theoretical or just a fun intellectual exercise.

This is reality.

We like to think that it will always be someone else’s business…

Or someone else’s industry…

Or someone else’s skill that will be made absolute by an invention or new technology.

When in reality we are all susceptible to the laws of change.

So how do we address this?

First - talk to your therapist about the emotions that come up -  they are an opening to healing.

Second - let’s talk about how to use the momentum of change to launch you into even greater heights than your current comfort zone.

All that plus some fun stories and the occasional ramble by yours truly.

That is if you dare to take the wild leap into the adventure that is this week’s episode.

And yes this is a brand new never before-released episode.

I hope you enjoy it at least 3% as much as I did recording it. 😂

Then again…to be honest I don’t think anyone listens to my podcast other than my bestest of friends.

And they listen in just so they can lovingly mock my podcast voice anytime we hang out. 😂

Well, there you have it.

This week’s write-up.

Give it a listen.

I double dare you.


This was not written using A.I.  Maybe you can tell. 😂


If you’re really feeling adventurous then I invite you to join the experiment & intentional community that I have just launched.

It is the first time ever that  I’m sharing my marketing playbook & the propriety storytelling & relationship-building ads system that I’ve created.

And if you’re short on cash flow but filled to the brim with ambition then I have good news:

We have “pay-what-you-can” scholarships available to anyone who needs it. 

So if you’re up for learning how to run ads like a storyteller fueled by empathy & courage then check out the details here:


Peace and Blessings, 

Tom Earl

The Unexpected Gifts Of Failure

Original Air Date: June 14, 2021


A complete sentence. 

Is it a teacher 

Or a jailer? 

Is it a beginning 

Or does it end there? 

Where do you place your next step 

When the ground beneath you begins to erupt? 

Maybe if there was something to grasp, 

If it wasn’t so abrupt.

Perhaps if no one was watching, 

Not even me seeing me.

 Then this…


Would be easier to swallow. 

If self-criticism were a competition, 

I’d be a tough act to follow. 


Maybe it can serve as my protection. 

From any and all


And rejection

And failure. 

There is fog on the glass of my reflection. 

I find the courage to wipe it, 

I shine back clearer. 

I need to reexamine my definition. 

A life without failure 

Actually sounds 

Kind of boring. 

Where would be the discovery? 

The intrigue? 

The lessons learned from walking through the fire 

And getting just a bit burnt. 

Realizing the nightmare scenes 

Are actually just branches of trees 

Scratching at my window.

Scary shadows revealed to be nothing. 

But it’s the confronting. 

The facing. 

The tasting the fear on your tongue 

And rather than deciding to run...

Moving forward. 

Moving toward that which I find to be frightening. 


It can be a beautiful teacher. 

Not gentle. 

But honest.  


Unexpected gifts found within if I’m willing to persist. 

To insist:

I know. I know. 

There is danger waiting. 

But I’d rather lose it all

Than die knowing 

I never even tried. 

I had all of these ideas

And just kept them shut inside. 

We get to decide when failure is an ending. 

A complete sentence. 

A teacher or 

A jailer. 

And when failure 

Is actually the greatest of all treasures. 

P.S. I hope you enjoy this week’s episode: ‘The Unexpected Gifts Of Failure.’


Moving Beyond Fear and Embracing your Experience with Nurjahan Boulden

Original Air Date: May 13, 2019

What fear have you been carrying that you are ready to set down? 

 What would it look like to move beyond fear and embrace your experiences?  

This week’s episode provides a bold and courageous reflection on these questions. 

My guest, Nurjahan Boulden, was 21 years old when she was shot with an assault rifle in an attack that killed the man next to her.

That one night changed the trajectory of her life. 

Even as she moved on to become a teacher and mother of three, PTSD and complications from the bullet wound continually threatened her future. 

13 years later, she is now recognized as America’s leading coach for survivors of gun violence who are ready to Feel Safe Again™. 

Fear has been a companion of mine during 2020. I have a feeling I am not alone in this. 

Rather than numbing myself or hiding from it, I have made it a goal to confront, get to know, and investigate my fears. 

A significant part of that journey is listening to the stories, wisdom and reflections from others who are on that same path. 

This episode with Nurjahan is one that I listen to often when I need a reminder of the inner-power that I, and all of us, possess.

For the astute listener keeping track at home, you’ll note that this episode originally aired May 13, 2019. 

As I was re-listening to it this week, I knew that the messages and insights Nurjahan shares could really serve a lot of us at this very moment. 

Even if you distinctly remember listening to this episode when it first aired, I passionately urge you to give it a re-listen. 

The experiences you have gained over the past 1.5 years will allow you to gain new gifts as you re-listen. 

Trust me. 

Do yourself this favor of hitting play. 

Thank you, Nurjahan, for sharing such a vulnerable, authentic, and empowering interview.


Personal Stories From My Entrepreneurial Journey

Entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey. 

It brings to the surface every single fear, insecurity, doubt, and all of that nasty self-talk. 

Which is truly a gift, though it’s hard to see at the moment.

To succeed, it takes hard work, going through each and every emotion. 

Each new level of success invites us to go deeper within. To more fully own worthiness.To build that foundation of self, beyond external validation and outcomes. 

And at the same time, entrepreneurship invites us time and time again to really ask this question:

→ What do I truly want? 

→ And WHY?

There have been many times where I’ve finally climbed a tall mountain, only to look around and wonder, “is this really where I want to be?” 

Reflections that have led me to a life that I am truly grateful for. 

This week I’d like to get personal and share with you some of my deepest stories and their significance in my journey. 

I see it as a really special way to close out the year of this podcast. And I’m grateful that you’re here to share it. 

Let’s go on this journey together. 

🎧 Listen now: http://www.tomearl.me/ej

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The Unexpected Gifts Of Failure


A complete sentence. 

Is it a teacher 

Or a jailer? 

Is it a beginning 

Or does it end there? 

Where do you place your next step 

When the ground beneath you begins to erupt? 

Maybe if there was something to grasp, 

If it wasn’t so abrupt.

Perhaps if no one was watching, 

Not even me seeing me.

 Then this…


Would be easier to swallow. 

If self-criticism were a competition, 

I’d be a tough act to follow. 


Maybe it can serve as my protection. 

From any and all


And rejection

And failure. 

There is fog on the glass of my reflection. 

I find the courage to wipe it, 

I shine back clearer. 

I need to reexamine my definition. 

A life without failure 

Actually sounds 

Kind of boring. 

Where would be the discovery? 

The intrigue? 

The lessons learned from walking through the fire 

And getting just a bit burnt. 

Realizing the nightmare scenes 

Are actually just branches of trees 

Scratching at my window.

Scary shadows revealed to be nothing. 

But it’s the confronting. 

The facing. 

The tasting the fear on your tongue 

And rather than deciding to run...

Moving forward. 

Moving toward that which I find to be frightening. 


It can be a beautiful teacher. 

Not gentle. 

But honest.  


Unexpected gifts found within if I’m willing to persist. 

To insist:

I know. I know. 

There is danger waiting. 

But I’d rather lose it all

Than die knowing 

I never even tried. 

I had all of these ideas

And just kept them shut inside. 

We get to decide when failure is an ending. 

A complete sentence. 

A teacher or 

A jailer. 

And when failure 

Is actually the greatest of all treasures. 

P.S. I hope you enjoy this week’s episode: ‘The Unexpected Gifts Of Failure.’

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Moving Beyond Fear and Embracing your Experience

This week’s episode, with special guest Nurjahan Boulden, is so important and powerful.  Nurjahan was 21 years old when she was shot with an assault rifle in an attack that killed the man next to her. That one night changed the trajectory of her life. Even as she moved on to become a teacher and mother of three, PTSD and complications from the bullet wound continually threatened her future. 13 years later, she is now recognized as America’s leading coach for survivors of gun violence who are ready to Feel Safe Again.

Nurjahan and I talked about perseverance (especially through fear), facing reality, navigating trauma, and reclaiming your voice. I was moved by Nurjahan’s honesty and openness as she shared her truth in this interview. Plus, we also talked about her love of dancing.

Nurjahan’s story has been featured in a number of publications, including Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health. In addition to paving the way to recovery for survivors around the world, she hosts online support groups and community resilience workshops, and is partnering with mental health professionals to bring gun violence prevention and recovery programs to schools and organizations across America.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.