
Confident Compassion & Thoughtful Ambition with London Jones and Rayesa Gheewala

As the US heads into the Thanksgiving season, it’s a great reminder for all of us to stop for a minute and reflect on what we’re grateful for.

Because there’s always something, especially the more you dive in.

On this VERY special Deeper Gratitude episode, we’re talking with our amazing guests Rayesa Gheewala and London Jones about what we’re each thankful for now, in this moment, and what we can do with that.

Because gratitude is best followed up with intentional actions. Thoughtful ambition. And confident compassion.

We asked questions like:

  • Where are you going deeper in your life? 

  • What do you want people to go deeper on?

  • What are you grateful for right now?

  • What is your invitation to those who are listening to this episode?

Rayesa Gheewala is a coach for women, helping them to find life after divorce. She created The Divorced Muslimah Network - a sanctuary for sisters who are divorced, or in the process, providing safety and support and helping to restore self esteem and confidence while rebuilding lives.

Rayesa describes herself as authentic, clear, patient, compassionate, confident, and resilient. She described our conversation as epic. 

Connect with Rayesa by starting at: Rayesagheewala.com

London Jones is a leader in the Black Equity Collective, working to normalize a culture of trust, collaboration, mutual respect and shared accountability, committed to building a future where Black organizations, families and communities thrive. 

She describes herself as thoughtful, ambitious, sensitive, complex, curious, and playful. She told us this conversation took her on a journey.

Hangout with London on Instagram.

You’ll find yourself inspired to share in the appreciative spirit and energy created here.

Ready to jump on in?

🎧 LISTEN now.


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The Power of Presence: An Interfaith Conversation With Reverend Kate

“When you come to the edge of all the light you have and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on - or you will be taught how to fly.”

This quote by Patrick Overton is at the heart of my conversation this week with The Rev. Dr. Kate Cress. 

The times we live in provide ample opportunities for stress, worry, and anxiety. 

Amidst it all - how do we find presence? 

How do we cease the regrets of the past and the worries of the future, and just be here in this moment?

These are questions that those on the spiritual path have reflected upon for ages. 

For Rev. Kate, Christianity offers her insights and practice through which she can discover her highest self. 

For me, that pathway is through Islam. 

Together in this conversation we explore the ways our religious and spiritual practice fuel each other and provide us with a blueprint for awakening. 

This has to be one of my favorite interfaith conversations I’ve ever had. 

Rev. Kate asked some really great questions that allowed me to reflect upon my spirituality in a new way.  

The answers and insights we uncovered together really had me saying, “YES!”

This is a really cup-filling episode. 

Wherever you are entering this conversation from, I know you will be enriched by it. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play. :) 

You can learn more about Rev. Kate here.


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Give Closure to 2020 & Intentionally Start 2021

2020, right? Wow.  I could probably start every episode writeup this way and get away with it. 

Here’s the thing - I bet if we took the time - there is a lot we can get out of reflecting on 2020. 

The intention of this week’s episode is to provide you with the time, space, and process to do so. 

This episode also acts as a time capsule. 

1 year ago I sat down with a group of my friends and we went through a writing workshop to get clear on our intentions for 2020. 

Little did we know…

And yet - no matter what surprises and worldwide pandemics the future will hold - getting intentional first offers us a foundation to stand on. 

That is why I’m bringing this episode back to life as a replay for you this week. 

First and foremost it gives me the opportunity to go through this writing workshop myself and create closure for 2020, while also giving life to 2021. 

Secondly, I hope it allows you to do the same. 

Even if you don’t have time to sit down and write as you listen - you’ll still get a lot out of going through the writing prompts mentally. 

If you don’t take the time now - 2020 is going to be done and dusted before we even know it. 

Please - give yourself the gift of reflection by going through this episode. 

Do yourself that favor. 

Hit play. 

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Moving Beyond Fear and Embracing your Experience With Nurjahan Boulden

What fear have you been carrying that you are ready to set down?

What would it look like to move beyond fear and embrace your experiences?  

This week’s episode provides a bold and courageous reflection on these questions. 

My guest, Nurjahan Boulden, was 21 years old when she was shot with an assault rifle in an attack that killed the man next to her. 

That one night changed the trajectory of her life. 

Even as she moved on to become a teacher and mother of three, PTSD and complications from the bullet wound continually threatened her future. 

13 years later, she is now recognized as America’s leading coach for survivors of gun violence who are ready to Feel Safe Again™. 

Fear has been a companion of mine during 2020. I have a feeling I am not alone in this. 

Rather than numbing myself or hiding from it, I have made it a goal to confront, get to know, and investigate my fears. 

A significant part of that journey is listening to the stories, wisdom and reflections from others who are on that same path. 

This episode with Nurjahan is one that I listen to often when I need a reminder of the inner-power that I, and all of us, possess.

For the astute listener keeping track at home, you’ll note that this episode originally aired May 13, 2019. 

As I was re-listening to it this week, I knew that the messages and insights Nurjahan shares could really serve a lot of us at this very moment. 

Even if you distinctly remember listening to this episode when it first aired, I passionately urge you to give it a re-listen. 

The experiences you have gained over the past 1.5 years will allow you to gain new gifts as you re-listen. 

Trust me. 

Do yourself this favor of hitting play. 

Thank you, Nurjahan, for sharing such a vulnerable, authentic, and empowering interview. 

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