
Do Things That Don’t Scale (It’s the Secret to Scaling) With Crysta Tyus

Original Air Date: February 22, 2021

The way to differentiate yourself in today’s economy is by investing time and resources in things that don’t scale.

Deep listening + building lasting relationships will always = a fantastic customer experience. This is at the center of my conversation with this week’s return guest - Tech Founder and Millionaire Business Coach - Crysta Tyus.

As a refresher, Crysta Tyus is an online marketing consultant who helps service-based businesses get clients from social media, master sales without being salesy, and build multiple 6-figure businesses.

Crysta’s episode, which was released 1 year ago, is in our top 3 most listened to episodes from our almost 300 episode catalog.

‘How can I scale this and fast?’ is the question many entrepreneurs are pondering these days. 

Sadly, it often leads to a low-quality customer experience.  

What many business owners find is that when they start to scale, they water down the magic that brought them their initial success in the first place. 

That is because many businesses are willing to trade speed in exchange for real human touchpoints. 

Crysta shares with us how she has been able to build a 7 figure business and create a technology company, all without sacrificing building authentic connections with her customers. 

Deep listening and having actual conversations with your customers are what Crysta believes will give you an unfair advantage over your competitors. 

Over this past year, Crysta has also developed, designed, and launched an app that is able to add even greater value to her customers. 

Crysta shares with us the lessons she has learned serving as the CEO of a technology company, and the insights we can all take away no matter what industry we work in. 

This was a very special episode. 

Crysta and I also have real conversations on mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, believing in yourself, and the power of being a visionary. 

I promise you will walk away transformed after listening to this episode. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. 


You can follow Crysta on Instagram or watch her on YouTube.

You can check out my past episode with Crysta here.


Living In Legacy & Breaking The Curse With Khalisa Rae

Original Air Date: July 5, 2021

Have you ever had a conversation that changed your life? 

This week’s episode, ‘Living In Legacy & Breaking The Curse’, with Khalisa Rae, is all of that and more. 

Our guest, Khalisa Rae, is an award winning poet and journalist in Durham, NC that speaks with furious rebellion. She is also the author of Ghost in a Black Girl's Throat (Red Hen Press 2021).

Her essays are featured in Autostraddle, Catapult, LitHub, as well as articles in B*tch Media, NBC-BLK, and others.

Her poetry appears in Frontier Poetry, Florida Review, Rust & Moth, PANK,  Carousel, HOBART, among countless others. 

She is the winner of the Bright Wings Poetry contest, the Furious Flower Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize, and the White Stag Publishing Contest, among other prizes. 

Currently, she serves as Assistant Editor for Glass Poetry and co-founder of Think in Ink and the Women of Color Speak reading series. Her second collection Unlearning Eden is forthcoming from White Stag Publishing in 2022. 

This day, Khalisa gifted all of us with her honesty, poetry, insights, brilliance, and creativity. I am truly grateful for the courage and vulnerability she brought to our conversation. We explored:

-Healing from trauma

-How to create your own team of superheroes 

-The importance of honoring your gifts

-The power of words 

-Protecting your light 

Khalisa shared some really powerful stories that left me feeling more grounded and connected to my inner power. 

Not to mention that she shared with us two poems that hit me right in my soul. 

I’m telling you - this episode will be a game-changer. For anyone who is serving a mission greater than themselves - this episode is for you. 

You can learn more about Khalisa through her website. Khalisarae.com

Or you can follow her on twitter or instagram


Conscious Sales With Nina Concepcion

Original Air Date: August 28, 2020

Sales. Salesperson. Closer. 

Most people have visceral reactions to these words and phrases, and almost all of us hold stereotypes or preconceived notions of what they mean. 

First off, we usually think of a man. 

Probably a white guy. 

Headset on, maybe. 

Yelling, probably.

Definitely intense, right? 

Maybe you envision the Wolf of Wall Street, or buying a car? 

Here’s the thing.  

If you have a life-changing idea, product, service, business, and/or brand, you are going to need to engage in sales. 

Even if you’re a nonprofit, you’re selling something. 

Even if you’re an activist, you’re selling something. 

For my entrepreneurs, business owners and side hustlers: sales is probably one of the biggest roadblocks holding you back right now. 

No matter how much exposure, leads, or prospects you get, if you can’t close them – if you’re afraid of sales – it will all be for naught. 

Now, this is usually where the tight feeling in our stomachs comes up. Or the explanation for how “my business is different though” starts to make its way into the conversation. 

But before we go there. Let me introduce to you this week’s guest: Nina Concepcion. 

Nina is here to turn all of your assumptions upside down. 

Nina is a master and teacher of Conscious Sales: a co-creation and a synergistic relationship between two or more people that is beneficial for both parties and the rest of the world. 

Now I bet that sounds more in alignment with your values, right? 

Sales and selling don’t have to be ugly. 

When done right, it provides growth, opportunity, and a step forward. 

I invite you to take a few minutes of your week and hear what Nina has to say. 

Not only will it change your entire perspective on what it means to be in sales, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet a truly remarkable entrepreneur. 

In addition, you’ll get to hear Nina talk about:

-How your values drive your life

-How to get your coaching business off the ground

-The power of social media

-What to do on a sales call

-What’s stopping you from moving forward

-How to overcome self-sabotage and step into your inner power 

I’m telling you: this interview is essential! 

Hit play and let me know what your number one takeaway was. 

Be sure to hit Nina up and show her some love → through her Facebook 


Writing Emails That Convert with Samar Owais

Original Air Date: May 18, 2018

Let’s say you were to ask Samar Owais to be your copywriter, and to sprinkle her magic on your email sequences. You’d need to be prepared to cut a check with a lot of zeros. 

In other words, Samar is a seriously sought after copywriter who crafts emails that convert lurkers into customers – then into repeat customers, and finally into raving fans. 

If you are an entrepreneur – from any industry – you need to be tapping into the full potential of your email list.

On this week’s episode, Samar really breaks down the ins and outs of writing email sequences. Whether we’re talking about a sales sequence, nurture sequence, abandoned cart sequence, whatever: if you’re sending it by email, she drops the gems on this one. 

This episode is especially for the folks who are sick of staring at a blank screen when trying to craft an email. Plus, Samar gives you series insights into the research you need to do before you even start writing your first email. 

Samar’s insight is really meant to empower you with the tools you need, so you can ultimately work with clients and customers that excite you and allow you to raise your prices. 

Now if you’re thinking, “wow Tom, I’m not sure I can do 60 minutes of geeking out about email copywriting.” Don’t worry. I got you. 

Samar and I also discussed: 

- Entrepreneurial mindset

- How to overcome challenges and adversity, especially when trying to pivot from one job to the next

- Owning your identity especially in the face of bias and/or discrimination

- Activating your innate power

- Communicating with passion, purpose and clarity

All this to say: do yourself the favor of hitting play on this epic interview. Samar delivers serious value and offers some amazing insights. 

Here we go. 

You can get in touch with Samar from her website.

How to Succeed With Ads Without Breaking The Bank

You need a huge budget to make an impact using ads.

This is one of the biggest misconceptions I come across. 

The truth is - with as little as $1 a day - you can get into the paid ads game. 

My mission is to get more people like you - impact-driven businesses - to start working on their FB & IG ads funnel. 

In this week’s episode, I pull back the curtain and share the ad strategy that we’ve been perfecting over these past 18 months. 

The title says it all:  

“How to Succeed With Ads Without Breaking The Bank”

By the end of this episode, you’ll have taken a giant leap forward towards creating an ad campaign that consistently generates high quality leads. 

Specifically, I show you how to tap into the power of relationships, and apply it to marketing. 

Storytelling + Dialed In Messaging = A Winning Ad Campaign. 

Let’s get started on creating yours! 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Living In Legacy & Breaking The Curse With Khalisa Rae

Have you ever had a conversation that changed your life? 

This week’s episode, ‘Living In Legacy & Breaking The Curse’, with Khalisa Rae, is all of that and more. 

Our guest, Khalisa Rae, is an award winning poet and journalist that speaks with furious rebellion. She is also the author of Ghost in a Black Girl's Throat (Red Hen Press 2021). 

This day, Khalisa gifted all of us with her honesty, poetry, insights, brilliance, and creativity. I am truly grateful for the courage and vulnerability she brought to our conversation. We explored:

-Healing from trauma

-How to create your own team of superheroes 

-The importance of honor your gifts

-The power of words 

-Protecting your light 

Khalisa shared some really powerful stories that left me feeling more grounded and connected to my inner power. 

Not to mention that she shared with us two poems that hit me right in my soul. 

I’m telling you - this episode will be a game-changer. For anyone who is serving a mission greater than themselves - this episode is for you. 

You can learn more about Khalisa through her website.

Or you can follow her on Twitter @k_lisarae


Here is Khalisa Rae’s Full Bio:

Khalisa Rae is a poet and journalist in Durham, NC that speaks with furious rebellion. She is the author of Ghost in a Black Girl's Throat (Red Hen Press 2021). 

Her essays are featured in Autostraddle, Catapult, LitHub, as well as articles in B*tch Media, NBC-BLK, and others.

Her poetry appears in Frontier Poetry, Florida Review, Rust & Moth, PANK,  Carousel, HOBART, among countless others. 

She is the winner of the Bright Wings Poetry contest, the Furious Flower Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize, and the White Stag Publishing Contest, among other prizes. 

Currently, she serves as Assistant Editor for Glass Poetry and co-founder of Think in Ink and the Women of Color Speak reading series. Her second collection Unlearning Eden is forthcoming from White Stag Publishing in 2022. Follow her at @k_lisarae on Twitter. Find more information here and here.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

How To Show Up, Be Vulnerable & Grow Your Business With Alex Emm, Adrian McGee & Alisha Kumar

“Imposter syndrome.”

“Being in a space where no one looks like me.”

“Learning to be my authentic self.” 

These are just three of the honest conversations we had on this week’s episodes.

My guest - Adrian, Alex, and Alisha - are each a powerhouse in their entrepreneurial field.

They generously shared brilliant advice on marketing, social media, content creation and the power of storytelling. 

Even more importantly - we had vulnerable conversations on the mindset, struggles, and journeys of entrepreneurship.

Alex Emm is a Social Media Manager and Copywriter helping small businesses be present and tell their stories in the fast-paced world of social media.

You can follow him on IG here

Adrian McGee is the CEO of The Grind Season, a platform that provides tips on success, pursuing purpose, and wealth building.

You can follow her on IG here

Alisha Kumar is passionate about helping businesses ​take advantage of the latest and greatest digital marketing trends to create a unique footprint with their marketing. 

You can follow her on IG here

This episode will give you both the tactics and the real conversations that are at the heart of living with and pursuing your passion. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play. 

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Do Things That Don’t Scale (It’s the Secret to Scaling) With Crysta Tyus

The way to differentiate yourself in today’s economy is by investing time and resources in things that don’t scale. 

Deep listening + building lasting relationships will always = a fantastic customer experience. 

This is at the center of my conversation with this week’s return guest - Tech Founder and Millionaire Business Coach - Crysta Tyus.  

As a refresher, Crysta Tyus is an online marketing consultant who helps service-based businesses get clients from social media, master sales without being salesy, and build multiple 6-figure businesses. 

Crysta’s episode, which was released 1 year ago, is in our top 3 most listened to episodes from our almost 300 episode catalog.

‘How can I scale this and fast?’ is the question many entrepreneurs are pondering these days. 

Sadly, it often leads to a low-quality customer experience.  

What many business owners find is that when they start to scale, they water down the magic that brought them their initial success in the first place. 

That is because many businesses are willing to trade speed in exchange for real human touchpoints. 

Crysta shares with us how she has been able to build a 7 figure business and create a technology company, all without sacrificing building authentic connections with her customers. 

Deep listening and having actual conversations with your customers is what Crysta believes will give you an unfair advantage over your competitors. 

Over this past year, Crysta has also developed, designed and launched an app that is able to add even greater value to her customers. 

Crysta shares with us the lessons she has learned serving as the CEO of a technology company, and the insights we can all take away no matter what industry we work in. 

This was a very special episode. 

Crysta and I also have real conversations on mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, believing in yourself, and the power of being a visionary. 

I promise you will walk away transformed after listening to this episode. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. 


You can follow Crysta on Instagram or watch her on YouTube

You can check out my past episode with Crysta here. 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Courageous Self Love Revisited

Have you ever headed out the door only to realize you can’t find your keys?

Now, be honest. Did you ever search high and low for your keys, glasses, phone, etc. – only to discover they were in your pocket, purse, or backpack? 

That you were looking everywhere for something that you actually had all along? 

Just the other day I was looking for my glasses only to realize, “oh wait – I’m wearing them.”

You may have heard myself or my guests say that the answers you seek are already within you.

The power within us goes unnoticed and therefore, underutilized until we recognize it is within us. 

Let’s take self-love for example. 

You – I – we – are already worthy of love.  

We are already whole, complete, and powerful. We are miracles. 

And yet, how often do we find ourselves “hustling for our worthiness,” as Brene Brown puts it. 

How often do we find ourselves in that place of guilt, shame, anxiety, or feeling that sense of loss - all stemming from our belief that we must do more in order to be worthy. 

The indisputable fact that we are already worthy is lost on us – which is why we need to recognize its intrinsic nature. 

That’s why this week’s episode is dedicated to providing practical steps towards embracing self-love.  

This episode originally aired at the end of 2017, and revisiting it is a perfect way to end 2020. 

If you listened to it when it first aired, I invite you to walk this path once again. 

If it is your first time, get ready for the ride.

Gift yourself this time of reflection. 

Here we go. 

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Why “I Don’t See Color” is a Lie With Dr. Angela Courage! and Dr. LaTonya Jackson

“I don’t see color.”

“We all bleed red.” 

“We’re all just human.”

Oh God. No. 


If you’ve ever engaged in a dialogue on race or attempted to invite someone in on their racism, I would bet my favorite pen that you’ve heard some variation of these.

Hey.  I’ll up the bet. 

I’d wager my favorite pair of headphones that more likely than not it was one of us white folks who uttered said phrases too. 

All jokes and bets aside, phrases like “I don’t see color”—while good intentioned—derail efforts towards anti-racism. 

Rather than being egalitarian, they are actually racist. 

Now you might be saying to yourself, “What the hell, Tom? How is this racist?” 

Here’s my suggestion:  listen to this week’s episode. 

My guests this week are Dr. Angela Courage! and Dr. LaTonya Jackson, authors of “5 Blinders to Seeing Color.”

We took a deep dive into this topic and provided insights on how “I don’t see color” is problematic at best. 

If you’re striving to unpack your whiteness and privilege, or you’re looking for resources to send to a friend who keeps saying “I don’t see color,” we have you covered.

In addition, during this episode we talked about: 

  • race 

  • power 

  • privilege 

  • color 

  • colonialism.  

  • control  

  • social privilege 

  • economic privilege 

  • layers of privilege  

  • international question: “we don’t have white privilege in my country” → colorism.  

  • corporate issues ←- relating to race. 

  • individual issues ←- relating to race. 

We really went in on this one and I know it will bring you tremendous value. 

Hit play and let me know what was your biggest aha. 

You can learn more about Dr. Angela Courage! and Dr. LaTonya Jackson’s work at - seecolorr.com

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